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Battle of Badr Area Today

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Battle of Badr summary

The Battle of Badr, fought on 13 March 624 CE (17 Ramadan, 2 AH in the Islamic calendar) in the Hejaz region of western Arabia, was a key battle in the early days of Islam and a turning point in the Prophet's struggle with his opponents in Mecca.

  1. In the spring of 624, Muhammad received word that one of the richest trade caravans of the year was travelling from Syria to Mecca. The goods contained in the caravan were the belongings of the Muslims which were taken by the Meccans following the migration to Medina.
  2. The Muslim scouts were discovered by scouts from the caravan which returned to the safety of Yanbu while the Muslims were moving towards it's presumed position.
  3. A hastly gathered Quraishi army moved to intercept the Muslims and protect the caravan. The caravan moved behind them and was now safe.
  4. Several Muslim warriors who had ridden ahead of the main column captured two Meccan water carriers at the Badr wells. From them they learned that before them was main Quraishi army and not the caravan. The next day Muhammad ordered a forced march to Badr and arrived before the Meccans.
  5. When the Quraishi reached Juhfah, just south of Badr, they received word that the caravan was safely behind them, and that they could therefore return to Mecca. Several of the clans present, promptly went home. Despite these losses, the Quraishi army leader Abu Jahl was still determined to fight.
  6. The battle began with champions from both armies emerging to engage in combat. All three Muslims killed their opponents.
  7. After an exchange of arrows Muhammad gave the order to charge, throwing a handful of pebbles at the Meccans. The Muslim army rushed to the Quraishi lines. The Meccans, understrength and unenthusiastic about fighting, promptly broke and ran.